by Campbell Smythe | Nov 29, 2014 | BibleBox
Thanks to some work by BibleBoxer Peter Brassington, the BibleBox is now available to run on jailbroken Android devices.
The BibleBox is based on open licensed software from Piratebox and Librarybox projects and Peter has based the Android version of BibleBox from Piratebox Android.
Now a user with a jailbroken Android device can install Android BibleBox and share files from their device in the same way they would share them from a portable wifi router. Their device acts as a hotspot sharing BibleBox files on the device or SD card.
Peter has set out easy to follow instructions on here:
Android BibleBox Logos
The following Android BibleBox logos below are ones I created which could be used to customise this BibleBox version but you can easily create your own to suit your ministry. Right-click to Save them to your computer then follow Peter’s instructions to place them in the correct folder.
right click – save as
PirateBox for Android by fun2code is Open Source. fun2code also developed PAW server which we used for mobile filesharing on Android phones before Estante came out from MAF-LT.
Source code is available at GitHub:
by Campbell Smythe | Apr 23, 2014 | BibleBox
The chart below comes from a 2013 survey of 12,424 mobile consumers across 17 countries to gain a deeper understanding of the global trends impacting mobile user behavior in the finance, telecommunications, retail, consumer products, and utilities industries.
Information like this is useful to help us shape our current and future mobile ministry activities.
- Data from Nielsen shows that smartphone penetration varies drastically across different countries in APAC, from 87% in Hong Kong and Singapore down to 15% in the Philippines.
- In ‘Developed Asia’ smartphone penetration is generally higher than in Europe or the US.
- Furthermore, in Southeast Asia alone, smartphone owners spent an average of more than three hours per day on their smartphones in June 2013.
- They spent the most time using chat apps, social networking and entertainment activities like games and multimedia.
Other social media statistics shows 20% of internet users in Indonesia using Twitter and the Philippines as a growing Facebook using nation with 30,214,140 users.
With Indonesia and the Philippines both significant in social media it must only be a matter of time before smartphones become affordable to the masses. Surely telecommunications companies want to make money from people spending time on social media on their phones?
Does this influence you in regard to mobile ministry? For me it’s developing a confirmation that in Asia Pacific a mobile ministry supported by wifi is a good direction.
If you are in Indonesia or the Philippines – does the chart reflect what you see around you?
Sources – ,, and
by Campbell Smythe | Feb 10, 2014 | BibleBox
The BibleBox project is seeking to enable increased access to Bibles and other Biblical training resources for people with wifi enabled devices.
Around the world in developing countries there is an increasing number of leaders and church pastors gaining access to smartphones, tablets and laptops with wifi capabilities – BUT – without access to the internet and the vast range of Biblical training resources which are available.
The BibleBox can be used anywhere. In the developed or the developing world!
A mission pilot may use one to share resources with a pastor in a Papua New Guinea jungle. Christian teaching, health care and education resources can make their way from authors to isolated communities.
A Christian business owner may have a BibleBox providing access to Bibles and other resources in his store.
A local church may use a BibleBox to easily share resources contributing to the sermons and other church activities.
While sharing a coffee in a downtown cafe someone may also be sharing Bibles and resources freely, using the BibleBox.
While commuting to work on the train or bus a traveller may have the BibleBox switched on sharing files with anyone on a wifi enabled device around them.