
BibleBox Installation Troubleshooting

In the event that something just doesnt go well, you can re-flash the MR3040 with Openwrt firmware and start the installation process again.

From experience, and from research in online forums, I would confidently say that most installation errors are from not following the instructions carefully, or from ending the firmware upgrade process too early. The thing that clearly shows you that the initial installation of the firmware and base libraybox files is complete, is that you can join wifi Librarybox free content SSID and browse to in your web browser and see Librarybox webpages.

Once you see that you will be assured that installation is complete.

If you need to – here are the instructions on how to re-flash, or re-install Openwrt, and then the rest of the opensource files.

  1. Power off the router
  2. Unplug the USB Drive from the router, and plug it into your computer
  3. reformat the USB as FAT32
  4. Download the appropriate firmware for your device:
  5. Copy the openwrt bin firmware file onto your USB Drive, making sure it is the only file on the USB
  6. Telnet in to the BibleBox using Terminal or PuTTY, type the following commands and insert the name of the firmware file where appropriate below (NOTE: dont forget to include the word “firmware” at the end):
        cd /mnt/usb
        mtd -r write YOUR_FIRMWARE_NAME_HERE firmware
  7. Once the firmware flash finishes (you will see a wifi network called Openwrt) , power off the BibleBox and put the BibleBox USB back into your computer.
  8. Download the install folder, unzip, and copy it onto the root of the USB drive. Only the folder named install (and its contents) needs to be copied
  9. Put the BibleBox USB back into the router, and power it back on. The install process will now start.
  10. Remember to wait 2o minutes or 5 minutes after you can join the Librarybox free content wifi, and access the website. Thats the indicator that installation is complete
  11. Then continue from Step 17 in the BibleBox Build stage above

If you can’t SSH into your router…

  1. Check you are using the correct username = root
  2. Check your password – no caps etc [if you didnt set a password, then there is none, leave it blank]
  3. Check you are still connected to the BibleBox


  1. Unplug the USB Drive from the router, and plug it into your computer
  2. Download the appropriate firmware for your device:
  3. Copy the file onto your USB Drive
  4. login to the MR3040 using Failsafe mode:
    • Switch on the router
    • Wait almost 5 sec then Press the “Reset” for ~3sec
    • The device is now in Failsafe-Mode
    • You may access it by using telnet
    • Keep in mind: The LEDs won’t flash in Failsafe Mode!
  5. Follow the Failsafe instructions above to be able to log in to the router via Terminal/PuTTY app.
  6. Plug the USB into the router
  7. Try these commands:
      /etc/init.d/boot start

    This will return some error messages, just ignore them.

  8. Then: (remember replace  YOUR_FIRMWARE_NAME_HERE with your firmware name)
      mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
      cd /mnt/
      mtd write -r YOUR_FIRMWARE_NAME_HERE firmware
  9. Once the firmware flash finishes, power down the BibleBox and put the BibleBox USB back into your computer.
  10. Download the install folder, unzip, and copy it onto the root of the USB drive.
  11. Put the BibleBox USB back into the router, and power it back up. The install process should now start.
  12. Remember to wait until you can join the Librarybox free content wifi, and access the website. Thats the indicator that installation is complete
  13. Then continue from Step 17 in the BibleBox Build stage above