John Edmiston at Cybermissions is leading a Mobile Ministry online course.
Next course commences Tuesday, June 9th 2015
The course is delivered using Moodle and is self paced. However to fully maximise your experience Id suggest engaging with the topics within the timeframe so you can participate in online discussions around the topics and connect with others doing the course.
Here’s a summary of the 6 weekly topics you will cover.
Mobile Ministry Course
Week 1: An Overview of Mobile Ministry. Objective: By the end of this lesson you should be able to have a general understanding of Mobile Ministry, and its place in and potential for the Great Commission.
Week 2: Evangelism and Discipleship using Mobile Platforms. Objective: By the end of this lesson you should be able to apply Mobile Ministry to issues of evangelism and discipleship
Week 3: The Use of Social Media to Share the Gospel and Communicate Truth. Objective: By the end of this lesson you will be able to understand and evaluate a social media strategy for their mobile platform of choice.
Week 4: Mobile Ministry in Remote and Low-Bandwidth Areas. Objective: By the end of this lesson you should be able to know how to use mobile devices for ministry in low-bandwidth situations and how to prepare some basic materials for them.
Week 5: The Use of Mobile Video and Audio for Mobile Phones. Objective: By the end of this lesson you should be able to know how to prepare basic audio and video resources for mobile devices.
Week 6: Basic Principles of Mobile Website Design. Objective: By the end of this week you should be able to understand the need for mobile-friendly websites and be aware of some of the basic design principles and the pragmatics of building a mobile-friendly website.
Course Cost: $65.
The Mobile Ministry Training Course is run by the Mobile Ministry Forum and Cybermissions and is designed for both individuals in ministry and for organizations.
Fill out this enrolment form and receive your login details promptly by email.