File Renaming Software Tip – Try Better File Rename

Better File Rename

In response to a BibleBoxer’s question regarding software useful for renaming and retagging files, here’s a helpful tip from Ed who recommended a really nice looking software app called Better File Rename (Windows, OS X) .

There is a free trial and the full software suite is available to a Single User with “forever” upgrades for only around $60.00.

Thanks to the Better File Rename developers we can offer one reader a free copy of the software. Simply make a comment below or share a post about the BibleBox or how you use it to go in the random draw. Winner will be contacted by email. 

To download a Free Trial of Better File Rename (Windows):


To download a Free Trial of A Better Finder Rename (OS X):

ABFR icon

The inital file renaming question posed:

“Hi. I am dealing with mp3 Scripture files for dozens of (mostly Mexican) languages, organizing them for loading onto BibleBox units, micro-SD cards and mp3-CDs. In an attempt to standardize the protocols I use for file names and ID3 tags to make them user-friendly both to the end users and to Christian workers in multi-lingual settings who may have materials in numerous languages on their phone, I sometimes feel it desireable to modify the original names or tags.

For modifying file names I have found the free Bulk Rename Utility to be a real time-saver.  With it I can easily add a prefix, find and replace portions of the name, etc. for all files in a given folder. (For example, I prefer to have all the files start with the 3-letter ISO language code, and I prefer to change the English book abbreviations to Spanish.) HOWEVER, Iꞌm wondering if anyone could recommend a similar program for modifying tags. I currently use Mp3Tag (v.2.59a) for which I have to manually change each entry. 

I am using the “artist” field for the language name. So if, for example, I decide to change the name from “Triqui_de_Copala” to “Triqui_de_Copala-trc” (adding the ISO code) I have to type out the first one, then copy it and paste it 259 times (for a full NT). Itꞌs not hard, just tedious.  Then imagine if, as I get more feedback, I determine it would be good to modify a naming protocol, that could affect the files for dozens of different audio NTs we are making use of. You can see how much a hassle that can be.  So Iꞌm looking for a program for which I could quickly change the tags for groups of files at a time.  Thanks for any tips.”

Here is Ed’s response:

“I too have found it necessary to do massive file renaming, some of it fairly complex.  The best app I have found to do this is “A Better Finder Rename” (the Windows version is called “Better File Rename”).  It is incredibly flexible and easy to use, and has never failed to enable me to quickly rename a massive amount of files in a user-friendly manner.  That even includes multi-step renaming, tag-based renaming, you can even use regular expressions (GREP) to set up renaming formulas (which can be incredibly useful for setting up a renaming procedure that handles varied input), and —something that is important for the situation you describe— you can save pre-set custom rename procedures as a kind of “app-let” to use over and over again.

When I discovered the usefulness, friendliness, power and reliability of this app, I purchased the “forever license” (never again any upgrade expense) and have always been glad I did because this app has never failed to be any less than what I’ve needed.  That was back in 2004, and I’d still say it’s one of the best apps ever.  

There are many other renaming tools available, and at $20 this one is probably the most expensive, but it has been super reliable and gives me all the ways to handle renames that I’ve ever needed (or imagined).  The developer has a long history of pushing out updates every 3 weeks or so, so this is more actively supported than most products.”

Have you got any other software that you would recommend which has helped you in renaming/retagging or in managing files?  Share in the comments below.

BibleBox – Digital Songbook

After Cyclone Ita passed through Cairns last night there was some damage.  Fortunately not a lot, but one of the consequences was losing power at church.

No electricty = unplugged music team, no microphones, no powerpoint slides. (more…)

Shared folders with _h5ai File listing

I have been looking at ways to make the file listings on the BibleBox much better looking than the Apache default.  I found h5ai developed by Lars Jung and like the look of it. It’s built with HTML5 Boilerplate, jQuery + Modernizr and can be implemented with only a few easy steps, and, best of all, the listings can be presented in multiple languages.

I’ve tried it on a website I manage ( and here’s some screenshots showing a share folder on that site (running with Apache) with h5ai and without so you can see the enhancements that h5ai offers. It’s pretty cool, and the sort of thing I have wanted to incorporate into the BibleBox.  Check out the difference!!

BibleBox h5ai

Default listing without h5ai installed

BibleBox h5ai

Folder list with h5ai – list view, small

BibleBox h5ai

Folder view with h5ai, List view, large

BibleBox h5ai

Folder view with h5ai, Icon view, large

To setup h5ai on your website follow these steps (if hosting is using Apache)

Requires PHP 5.2.1+

  1. Copy folder _h5ai to the document root directory of your web server and visit http://YOUR-DOMAIN.TLD/_h5ai/. The page that loads will give you some hints on your server’s capabilities.
  2. Add /_h5ai/server/php/index.php to the end of your webservers default index-file list. All directories that don’t have a valid index file will get styled by h5ai.

Examples of the second step for Apache web servers:

  • If using Apache httpd 2.2/2.4: in httpd.conf or in any directory’s .htaccess file add the following line:

DirectoryIndex index.html index.php /_h5ai/server/php/index.php

h5ai Configuration:

You can also configure the settings of h5ai by modifying the options.json file in the _h5ai/conf  folder on your webserver.


Everything is explained really clearly in the options.json file and Lars has done a great job making it easy to understand.

You can set downloads of multiple files as a zipped file (.zip), show QR codes for files, choose whether or not to show thumbnail files also.

Download h5ai here